Employee Onboarding Title Mr.Mrs.MissNon Binary Full Name Preferred Name, if any ? Gender —Please choose an option—MaleFemaleTransgender Pronouns Preferred —Please choose an option—HeSheTheyThem Religion —Please choose an option—HinduMuslimChristianParsi/ ZorashtrianJainBuddhistSikhNo Religion/ Spiritual Marital Status —Please choose an option—Single/ Never MarriedMarriedDivorcedSeparatedWidowed Nationality Disability, if any ? Please mention in details. Medical Condition, if any ? Please mention in details. Date of Birth Permanent Address Present Address, Same as above ? YesNo [group presentaddress] Present Address [/group] Contact Number Personal Email ID Enter details of one of the following Aadhaar CardDriving LicencePassport [group addhargroup] Adhaar Number [/group] [group dlgroup] Driving Licence Number [/group] [group passportgroup] Passport Number [/group] PAN Card Number Highest Education Level —Please choose an option—10th Pass12th PassGraduate/ BachelorsDiplomaPost GraduatePhD Bank Details where you wish to receive your salary Bank Name Branch Name Account Number IFSC Code Any past or on going criminal records or court cases involving you (including divorce cases, if any) YesNo [group criminaldetails] Mention details [/group] Emergency Contact Emergency Contact Name Relationship Emergency Contact Number I hereby notify that all the information provided above is true to my knowledge and there is no falsification. Δ