Digital Marketing Your Organisation Name Your email Where are you located ? What services do you offer ? What is your organisation's or product USP ? Do you have any pre set budget for ad spends ? (optional) Who is your target audience ? What aspects of digital marketing do you want to focus on (leads, engagements, awareness, ROAS etc.) ? (optional) What marketing metrics do you currently track ? (optional) What actions do you want your audience to take after seeing your content ? (optional) How do people currently find your organisation on the Internet ? (optional) Do you have any competitors in the same business ? Can you name a few ? (optional) Which digital marketing activities does/did your organisation do ? (optional) Have you ever employed a digital marketer ? (optional) YesNo If available, please fill in your organisation's URL here ? (optional) Additional comments, if any ? I agree to go ahead with VJV IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Δ